Tuesday, June 7, 2011


What I don't think I realize at this time, is that I'm actually going home in three weeks. It's so weird to think that I'm not gonna be here anymore. It is rally hard because I have so much emotions, torn emotions.
I'm sad because I'll be leaving my family here, I'll be leaving all of my friends, my really good friends that I will miss so much. Friends that I might not see again, ever. That is the most hartbreaking thing about leaving. Even if I see them again, it'll be for some weeks, then what? We go separate ways again..
I'm happy that I will get home after a year of being away, to see my family and friends. I'm excited to once again have my mom's cooking, my grandma's cooking, to over all have the Swedish food.
I'm so very anxious to play soccer with P18 again, I can not wait!

It's hard. I feel guilty about wanting to leave, I too feel guilty about wanting to stay. There's been tears the last couple of days, with graduation and just realizing it's all coming to an end. It wont be the last one's though, and I'm not looking forward to them..

1 comment:

  1. I understand your feelings honey. But if you don't ever want to cause or suffer from separation pain you'll have to live in a bubble, sort of, and than you'll never get the love and happyness either. I'm sure you'll meet most of your friends over there again, the world is getting smaller! Love Pa
