Friday, July 30, 2010


So what you got here is basically downtown, the cosiest part of Bardstown. The rest of it is kind of just roads, stores and restaurants.



Before I came here I heard a lot of stories about americans. People telling me how they were like, what they ate and looked like. I took all of it in, some things with a pinch of salt but I thought about everything I was told. Most of theese things I was kind of already aware of. Not of the truth of how it actually was but the prejudices, and I would be lying if I said that I was not prerudiced when I got here. I mean, who wouldn't be?

One thing that I had been told was that people here are very friendly and happy al the time, that one is true. My host parents are the perfect examples, they seem to know everyone here and everyone I meet keeps telling me how great they are.

Another thing I was told was that all americans ate junk food and were fatsos. That one is not so true. Sure there are people here eating take out a lot more than at home but take out is not the same thing as junk food. Like last night we had dinner from Taco Bell, lots of sallad and healthy stuff. They eat different yes, but if you say that everyone here eats bad food, then you're talking wildly. And yes, I've seen more fat people here than at home but it's not fair to drag everyone else down with them. It's kind of like saying all swedish people are blonde. Kind of...

Also speaking of food and fat americans, I was told that I would gain weight while I was here. Don't think that's going to happen though, not as long as I live in this house. We've had a lot of normal dinners to me, like spaghetti, chicken and pork with potatoes and vegetables. It's big portions though so I wont get skinny either..

It turned out some of my one prejudices were true, some not. But I've learned that you really shouldn't judge the book by it's cover. But weather I like it or not I know I will do it again in the future. That's just the way we work I guess.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Okay so I had my first practise Tuesday, second practise Wednesday and my third practise this morning. This evening I had my first game with Nelson County Lady Cards. Played center mid in crazy hot weather, don't really prefer either. I did pretty good though, scored two out of five goals and we won the game easy.

Based on this game I've also gotten my second nickname here (yes second, the first one being Aggie. Which I actually kind of like by the way). Not so fond on the second one, Beast, or was it Sweed Beast.. They told me it was a positive thing and it ment that I was good, I'm still kind of skeptical though.

Emotional Roller Coaster

Have you ever looked up at the biggest roller coaster in the amusement park? Wondered to your self if you are brave enough to do it? That it kind of feels like you are taking a risk, but in the end it will all be worth it? Now imagine that your are sitting there, waiting for it to take of, no it has actually just started, do you know that feeling? Like a good scared kind of feeling, you know it? That's how I've felt for the past two weeks.

I never thought I could have so many feelings at the same time, or in a couple of weeks time. I've been crying, laughing, I've been happy and sad, I've been scared, I've felt excitement and I've felt lonely, you name it. What I feel now is mostly curiosity, of what's ahead of me. I can't wait to see what turns and steeps this ride will throw at me, but I will just have to wait and see.