Friday, May 13, 2011

Bipartite Patella

I'm not that superstitious, only a little when it comes to soccer. But there's no soccer what so ever involved in this. But hurting my knee the night before Friday the 13th makes me wonder.. Anyway, it was at a track meet, and I was doing long jump. Some way in the jump or landing I managed to hyper extend my knee (it goes the other way pretty much). It hurt yes, and as one that takes out my pain more verbally, I expressed my pain with some probably not so pretty swedish words. But hey, at least no one could tell.

But so today met with our trainer, and with him and coaches order I went to the doctor today. I had x-ray and luckilly there were no major injures, just a strain. I did however find out I have a "Bipartite Patella", which basically means my knee cap is split in two parts. Weird I know, and apparently pretty unusual. I thought it was kind of cool, (now that I found out I'll be fine with some resting and ice).

So no worries, my soccer family back home, I'm not pulling an "Emma".

1 comment:

  1. Ouch... Wounded Knee. A picture of you limping like the hunchback of Notre Dame comes to my mind. Two years and a little tiny scratch on the knee.
