Sunday, November 14, 2010

Soccer Banquet

Americans sure know how to celebrate and honor people, I give them that. This night we had what we call our soccer baquet, the final end of the season. There's plenty of food, fancy decorations (Connie), fancy clothing, awards and lots and lots of gifts for the senior girls who are leaving the team. As one of those seniors I got lots and lots of stuff, I'm not making a list, but it was a lot.. Also ended up with the Varsity Coaches Award.
Besides awards and gifts we had a slide show of pictures from the season. And the seniors had pictures from their childhood, and apparently my parents had sent pictures of me, without my knowledge. Which led to me ending up in tears, and then the dominoe effect came, Hannah ended up in tears, Paige ended up in tears, so did Connie, and Steve. What a night, I tell you that.


  1. Come on, make a list! Congrats to your fine award! /Dad

  2. Congratulations and celebrations to the award!!!
    I am nearly in tears when i read about the banquet and all the emotions! Lots of kisses and hugs!!/mum

  3. yea u did make me cry!!
